
Bemutató - BABAHÁZ • Kulcsár Noémi Tellabor

Bemutató - BABAHÁZ • Kulcsár Noémi Tellabor

In its new show, the Noémi Kulcsár Tellabor company tries to formulate the questions posed in Henrik Ibsen’s drama, also known as ‘Nora’, in the language of dance, while trying to answer some of its own questions.  more

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Last event date: Wednesday, May 08 2024 7:30PM

If we have run out of words, how can we communicate with our movements? What meanings can we attach to a hug or a slap? What is it like when we puppeteer someone? And what if we are being puppeteered? What happens when we want to move on our own?

Performed by Kulcsár Noémi Tellabor dancers

Visuals: Noémi Kulcsár 

Dramaturge: Dávid Cseh 

Choreography by Noémi Kulcsár


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