
Surrogate Mothers

Surrogate Mothers

sketch performance


Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Sunday, May 12 2024 7:30PM

"After the birth, I was immediately separated, I couldn't even touch her. They put her in a cot not far from me. No one hugged her, even though she was crying so much. Then one of the nurses called the baby's parents on video chat. She filmed the baby and me to make sure I was okay. She congratulated the parents. Who knows when they'll come for her. I thought I was getting stronger. I thought it would be easier to break away. I can still hear her crying a lot." - Excerption from the performance

The show is recommended for audiences over 16!

If the performance starts at 19.30, it is expected to end at 20.45. The performance will be performed without intermission.)
Opening date: 26 November 2022, 19.30 Studio Stage

Our offer

After earning tremendous critical and popular acclaim at last year's Edinburgh Fringe Festival, IMA is returning to Müpa Budapest, again playing in a tent set up next to the building.

Az előadás arról szól, milyen hazugságban élni, hazugságban leélni egy életet, és milyen, ha ezt a hatalmi elit különféle rétegeinek való megfelelés kényszeríti ránk. (Kovács Bálint)


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