
Tamás Molnár Album Launch Concert

Tamás Molnár Album Launch Concert

Tamás Molnár returns to the stage of the Festival Theatre with intimate acoustic songs, hits evoking a true festival atmosphere, cinematic musical techniques and an amazing stage show.  more

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Last event date: Sunday, May 12 2024 8:00PM

The launch of the second solo album from this multiple award-winning singer/songwriter active since the '00s promises to be an unforgettable concert experience, thanks to brand-new songs, the bravura leaps from one genre to another and the outstanding guest performers.

The Hungarian audience has had the chance to encounter Tamás Molnár in countless roles over the course of the past two decades. A founding member of the turn-of-the-millennium emo-rock band Anti Fitness Club and, later on, JETLAG, he started focusing increasingly on solo appearances after 2014. In addition to his performing career, he has also enjoyed important successes as a lyricist, winning him the Petőfi Music Award for Lyricist of the Year in 2020. Having presented his first solo album, Szív utca (‘Heart Street'), at Müpa Budapest in 2022, he will now return to the Festival Theatre in the spring of 2024 with his second album, which boldly combines electronic sounds with acoustic instrumentation. Molnár is no stranger to musical eclecticism: the song ‘Azt beszélik a városban' (‘That's What They Say in the City') he performed together with Majka won the Fonogram Award in the Hungarian rap or hip-hop recording of the year category, and he also teamed up with Róbert Bérczesi, of Hiperkarma fame, to create the shocking, yet powerfully moving, rock anthem ‘Nélkülem' (‘Without Me'). Guest artists will play an important role in his upcoming concert as well, and accompanying the joyful music they play together will be some spectacular visuals.

vocals, guitar: Tamás Molnár


keyboard instruments: Balázs Alpár
violin: Izsák Farkas
drums: Dániel Kiss
guitar: Botond Lapis

Presented by: Müpa Budapest

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