


XI. Kaposvári ASSITEJ Nemzetközi Gyermek – és Ifjúsági Színházi Biennálé

2024.május 6-10.

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Monday, May 06 2024 4:00PM

Aida is sixteen. She doesn't like to dress pretty or to get her eyebrows plucked. Sometimes she thinks of daring things. What would it be like to become a film director. Or to kill herself.  Or to be in love.
Aida lives at home with her mother. Her sisters have moved out. Her father has another family.
She's kissed once in her life. She's failing chemistry.  She meets a boy. The one with the hat who sings that song. She's already sensitive to the afterlife, but he brings her closer to the idea of death. It's the first thing in a long time that gets her excited.
We accompany her on this journey. We follow her as her world turns from grey to midnight black. But who’s afraid of the dark?

Since we use strobes, intense light and sound effects, we do not recommend this performance for sensitive viewers.

Boy in the Hat: Bartha Bendegúz
Mother/Confident Girlfriend: Pájer Alma Virág
Sisters/School girl/Medium: Csarkó Bettina
Father&family/Nervous Chemistry Teacher/Mysterious Boy/Sloppy Traveller: Márkus Sándor
Fish Boy/PE teacher/Singing Boy/Whimpering Passenger: Szolár Tibor

Nem félünk a sötétben /We fear no dark
Írta/ Written by: Podlovics Laura, Gajda Anna
Mentor, dramaturg/ Methor, dramaturgy: Pass Andrea
Látványtervező/ Set and costume designer: Virág Vivien
Árnyjáték-konzulens/ Shadow play consultant: Lázár Helga
Animáció/ Animation: Illés Haibo, Tóbiás Tamara
Koreográfus/ Coregrapher: Kondákor Ajsa Panka e. h.
Zeneszerző/ Music by: Kun Bálint
Fénytervező/ Lighting designer: Szondi György
Hangszerkesztő/Sound editor: Mészáros Gábor
Videó/video: Márkus Sándor
A You'll Be fine című dalt énekli/ Singing the song You’ll be fine: Lengyel Benjámin
Rendező/ Directed by: Podlovics Laura
Rendezőasszisztens/ Assistant director: Csonka Maresz
Súgó, ügyelő/Stage manager, prompter: Aradi Regina Anna

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