
MUSICAL KALEIDOSCOPE - Bence Juhász, Edit Székely U/4.

MUSICAL KALEIDOSCOPE - Bence Juhász, Edit Székely U/4.

A kaleidoscope is a traditional toy: a short tube with mirrors inside: when you look inside and turn it, you can see beautiful, colourful patterns that change moment by moment. The program for our concert is, just like a kaleidoscope, a variety of short, beautiful pieces.  more

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Last event date: Saturday, May 04 2024 11:30AM


Händel: Music for the Royal Fireworks – Suite in D major, excerpts
Grieg: Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46. – I. Morning Mood
Haydn: Symphony No. 85 in B-flat Major "La Reine" ("The Queen") – excerpts
Mozart: Eine kleine Nachtmusik („A Little Night Music), Serenade No. 13 – excerpts
Mussorgsky-Ravel: Pictures at an Exhibition – Ballet of the Unhatched Chickens
Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake – Dance of the Little Swans
Johann Strauss, Jr.:" Frühlingsstimmen" (Voices of Spring), Op. 410 – waltz
Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, Op. 125 – Ode to Joy, with assistance from the audience


Edit Székely - host


Bence Juhász
A kaleidoscope is a traditional toy: a short tube with mirrors inside: when you look inside and turn it, you can see beautiful, colourful patterns that change moment by moment. The program for our concert is, just like a kaleidoscope, a variety of short, beautiful pieces. We start with the music of a ceremony of a long-lived English king, then we will "see" little swans and little chicks through music, we will rejoice together in the spring sunshine, and in the end, we can sing along with the orchestra. Bence Juhász is a young conductor who studied choral conducting and conducting at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest and broadened his knowledge at several institutes abroad.

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